Training: Transitioning from Programmer to Manager
I love coding. Do you?
I was good at coding. When I became a Manager, though, I missed coding.
And being a “manager” wasn’t something I really wanted to do. I felt awkward, like trying to ride a bicycle for the first time.
And when I felt awkward, I started coding again. After all, it was what I was good at. I felt like I got things done.
Finally, I had a break through!
After a couple years of feeling “stuck” in my transition, I figured out how to focus on what was important and adopt the right mindset.
I started investing properly in my team, and I saw amazing results. My team looked at me like a leader, and they became loyal to me.
I stopped feeling confused, frustrated and incompetent, and jumped into my new role with both feet.
Having the right mindset and understanding what my job *really* was were the keys to my success.
And since then, I’ve been leading programmers with amazing success. And after 20 years, my sole focus is on building better managers.
If this sounds familiar then this workshop is for you.
Transitioning From Programmer to Manager Workshop
In this 5-part, remote workshop we will cover…:
- Understanding the real job of a Tech Lead / Manager
- Why the programmer to manager transition is so hard (and how to ease it!)
- 5 Key Activities of Engineering Management
- When should you still be coding, and why!
- Creating feedback loops
- Getting stuck in transition (Common Tips and Traps)
You will receive:
- Copies of all materials, handouts and frameworks used
- Copies of the video sessions
- Six months free access to the #SoftwareManager slack room ($99 value!)
- Copy of my book 7 Habits that Ruin your Technical Team
Save 25% with Super Early Bird Pricing: $1,749 $1,311.75 (until March 11, 2017)
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The “You gotta be happy!” Guarantee
If you decide this isn’t for you, for any reason, I’ll immediately give 100% of your money back, no questions asked. I want you to be happy with your decision to take this training. No questions asked.
Seems interesting, but…
I’m too busy to put something new into practice.
It might seem like you’re too busy to take another class, another training, or implement another practice, but that’s short-sighted. It’s not difficult to imagine how busy you will be if your best people leave. If you’re already “too busy”, retaining your best people is one of your most important initiatives.
I’ll be unable to put these ideas into practice where I work.
I have never found an organization where these practices could not be implemented, from agencies, to start-ups, to enterprises. Like anything worth doing, it will require effort on your part, but you will not be alone.
I’m not a good enough manager to inspire people to be loyal.
Nah! If you can learn to code (a completely foreign thing to humans!) you can learn to relate to another human being. This isn’t rocket science, and like any skill, it can be learned with a bit of practice.
How do I know you are qualified to teach this?
I’ve been hiring and leading software teams for 16 years at global enterprises, start-ups and my own software company. I’ve helped hundreds of managers retain their most valuable employees and become the leaders their team deserves.
What people say about working with me…

I continue to work one-on-one with Marcus to this day, and I hope I will always be able to lean on him and dialog about challenges.
He is worth way more than you can ever pay him.
Andrew Coven, Director of Content Acquisition Engineering, Netflix
Oddly, I felt like I would be unable to put this new information and ideas into action, and would therefore feel worse about myself than before.
I actually found the opposite. Working with Marcus has been the best form of support I could ask for. He helps me question bad assumptions, brainstorm better solutions, and he’s taught me how to manage people without screwing up.
I like the small group focus. I find that the focused attention helps dig deeper into troubling issues.
Jonathan Wold, CMO of
I became much more confident as a manager very quickly. Within a few calls with you I was already doing a better job of working with people and communicating with others. You also completely shifted my mindset on how to build and scale my operations.
Jake Jorgovan, Owner of Outbound Creative
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