How marketing ruined leadership
Marketing has taught us “confidence equals competence.”
After all, who would buy laundry soap which claims, “Gets out some stains, if you use it right.”
No, we buy the soap which claims, “Gets out your toughest stains, guaranteed!”
A confident leader looks and sounds good, but may not be competent.
Of course, a competent leader might also lack confidence.
You might not know this, but I am not naturally confident.
Nor am I ‘unnaturally’ confident. 🙂
Instead, I am introverted, neurotic, fearful, and anxious.
These are not the qualities associated with leadership – at least not in modern times.
But I have learned to be an excellent leader not despite them, but because of them.
If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Play the hand you’re dealt – don’t try and be someone else.
Your people aren’t all the same, so your leadership doesn’t have to be one-size-fits-all.
You got this.
Stay curious,