UNSTUCK is a live question & answer show where we answer your real-world problems and questions about leading technical teams.
I hope you join us live each Friday at 10am PACIFIC USA time.
Grab your coffee, tea (or beer!) along with some questions or topics and we'll have a great time together, I promise!
You can find UNSTUCK at https://www.crowdcast.io/e/unstuck
Be sure to check out past episodes!
Episode 1: What is a Technical Leader?
Episode 2: Finding Your Underperforming Activities
Episode 3: Are Tech Leaders BORN or MADE?
Episode 4: Pitfalls in the Programmer-Leader Transition
Episode 5: What Kills Team Happiness?
Episode 6: Finding the right team size, getting programmers to test
Episode 7: Having two bosses; learning from our successes
Episode 8: "How can I nurture ideas sharing on my team?"
Episode 9: Developers stuck in waterfall thinking; evaluating enterprise agile packages.
Episode 10: Advice for working with a team where you are not the expert
Episode 11: Working with programmers to feel one tool is "the best".
Episode 12: Asking instead of telling; motivating through challenges
Episode 13: Theory X&Y Leadership; tips for engaging your team's whole brain.